Cebu, Philippines – “Strengthening STEM through Global Crossvergence”
The First Integrated STEM Summit Asia in 2019 served as a platform for multi-sectoral engagement on Integrated STEM to prepare students for the future. With 11 countries represented and over 300 attendees, our focus was to create a platform for community of integrated STEM leaders to connect K-12 education to real-world applications by shifting to a trans-disciplinary approach, create evidence-base framework of the roles of each stakeholder, and cultivate integrated STEM leaders who will become champions and advocate for integrated STEM in their regions. Topics included Industry 4.0 Workforce for the Developing World; the Role of STEM in Achieving the UN Sustainability Development Goals; Socio-emotional learning in integrated STEM; and integrated STEM connecting the classroom to the real-world.
Bangkok, Thailand – Integrated STEM spreads to Thailand and beyond
An outcome of the STEM Leadership Alliance Summit in Asia with our Philippine Affiliate led to meeting with the Southeast Asia Ministries of Education Organization (SEAMEO) High Officials to present the importance of integrated STEM. The countries represented included: Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Republic of the Union of Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Timor-Leste, and Socialist Republic of Vietnam